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“electronic recording”
electronic recording
1. A method of producing a graphical record of a varying quantity or signal by controlling an electron beam with an electromagnetic field, as in a cathode-ray oscillograph.
2. The process of making a graphical record of a varying quantity or signal (or the result of such a process) by electronic procedures, involving control of an electron beam by electric or magnetic fields, as in a cathode-ray oscillograph, in contrast to light-beam recording.
2. The process of making a graphical record of a varying quantity or signal (or the result of such a process) by electronic procedures, involving control of an electron beam by electric or magnetic fields, as in a cathode-ray oscillograph, in contrast to light-beam recording.
This entry is located in the following units:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 68)
-tron, -tronic, -tronics +
(page 12)